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Omnia.7 RDS Option Software Upgrade


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Omnia.7 RDS Option Software Upgrade

P/N 2011-00151

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829,00 €

P/N 2011-00151

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Omnia.7 RDS Option Software Upgrade

Optional built-in RDS encoder is the simplest and most straightforward means of getting
RDS data on the air. Everything is handled within the Omnia.7 itself. Supports HTTP push
from automation systems for RDS updates.

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Omnia.7 RDS Option Software Upgrade

Omnia.7 RDS Option Software Upgrade

Omnia.7 RDS Option Software Upgrade

P/N 2011-00151

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Produs:Omnia.7 RDS Option Software Upgrade
Cod Produs:P/N 2011-00151
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